Thursday, February 21, 2008

Listen up!!

Ok, just added a LISTEN UP section on the left side of my page here, it currently features quotes from Office Space. Quotes from other movies are on their way soon!! (c:

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Jamaica part 2

As I promised, here's some more pictures from Jamaica. These are all from my camera, and there are much more from Kristi's camera and my mom's and steph's cameras. Eventually I'll find them!

Jamaican sunset

Rock House
The Rock House hotel - where the wedding was held.

For more of these and other pictures, visit our webshots website

EDIT - much more pictures of us on my mom's webshots!!!
dave kristi by cliffs

Oh and also, the photographer has a slideshow up of her favorite pictures. I'm not in any though, but they are some neat pictures. a lot of tattoos!

Wednesday, February 13, 2008


Well, we have just returned from Jamaica. My family went there for my uncle's wedding, while we were there my brother got engaged. Here's a picture of me and my bro dressed (classy as usual) for the wedding.
rob dave

More pictures will be available just as soon as I remember to add them to my webshots. I'll put a few of them up here as they trickle in.

For now, it's back to snowy/rainy Pennsylvania! great welcome home present!