Thursday, May 29, 2008

The IT Crowd (part 3)

Well, 2 episodes down, 10 to go!! If you haven't had a chance to watch the first 2 yet, make sure you watch them in the proper order, otherwise some things will not make much sense to you!!

Onward and upward, here's a few clips that make up the whole of Episode 3!

First, here's 2 great quotes from this episode...
"Everybody's having having fun fun fun..."
"Ahhhh hahahaaaaa hahahahaaa hahaaahahaha aaaahhhhh hahahahahaha aaahhha ahahahaha hahahahahah hhhahaaha aaaaahahahahaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaahhhh aaaaahhhhhh aaaahhhhahahahahaaaahahahaa aahhhh hahahahahahaaaa!"

Episode 3 - "Fifty-Fifty"
After Roy has a horrible date with a woman because he smears chocolate on his forehead and it looks like poo, the story circulates around the office. Roy decides the woman actually didn't like him because women only like "bad boys", and sets out to prove his point by posting an ad that makes him sound horrible in the local classifieds.

Meanwhile, Jen has been impressing the temporary security guard with her (guessed) knowledge of obscure facts and he puts her on his "phone a friend" list for "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?"

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

If the links don't work (they should, if they don't, fix your computer... have you tried turning it off and then back on??), here are the direct links to the 3 parts of the episode.
Part 1 -
Part 2 -
Part 3 -

Thursday, May 22, 2008

The IT Crowd (part 2)

Well this is part 2 of the 12 part post... Hopefully you enjoyed the first episode, because I'm delivering all 12!

Season 1 - Episode 2 - "Calamity Jen"
Moss, Roy, and Jen are summoned to a company wide meeting with Denholm in which he "declares war" on stress and sets up a staff seminar on dealing with stress and its effects. Moss and Roy attend, but Jen is distracted by a shoe shop and purchases a pair of shoes—despite their being two sizes too small—on her way to work. At the seminar Roy and Moss become infatuated with the "stress tester" the speaker used, prompting Moss to build his own and start a fire in the basement. Unfortunately, throughout the episode fake commercials aired for a changeover in the emergency phone number from "999" to "0118 999 881 999 119 725 3" causing problems in getting help.

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

If the videos dont load, here are the direct links
Part 1 -
Part 2 -
Part 3 -

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

The IT Crowd

as you may have assumed, I have been failing to come up with things creative enough to actually post to this blog. So, in the spirit of my computer nerd heritage, I have decided to make my next 12 posts dedicated to the British sitcom called "The IT Crowd." Nobody can say for sure whether it is pronounced "it" or I.T., but I say I.T. because that's what I know... Kathryn of course disagrees, because she would.

ANYWAY... this, the first of a 12 post series, will be the first episode of the first season. The videos are on Youtube, so if you want to look ahead, feel free, although then you will have no use to come back to my blog, so DONT DO IT!!! (c:

Each video is sectioned into 3 parts for size sake on Youtube, so you will (heaven forbid) have to click 3 different play buttons at 3 different times... yikes!

Season 1 - Episode 1 - "Yesterday's Jam"
Denholm Reynholm, the technically challenged boss of a large corporation, interviews Jen Barber for a position. Fooled by her "techno-bluffing", he appoints her as manager of the IT support office, where she demonstrates a complete lack of knowledge in technical matters.

Moss and Roy, resenting having been given a manager, attempt to get rid of her by exposing her lack of knowledge and experience to Reynholm until they realize her people skills can be an asset for them.

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

If the videos dont load, here are the direct links
Part 1 -
Part 2 -
Part 3 -